Rose Haven Association

Donna Johns

Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sports and Tourism, Certificate in Aboriginal Sport. Certificate in First Nation Fine Arts and Wilderness Guiding. 

Donna is Canoe Leader for the Carcross/Tagish First Nation and

Team Captain in a Voyager Racing team and competes yearly in the Yukon River Quest- the world's longest canoe & kayak race as well as youth coaching. 

Geraldine James

Family violence and Sexual Abuse Councilor, Peace keeping 1 & 2, Conflict Resolution, Early Childhood Education 2.

Traditional Ceremony, Elder and Medicine Wheel Teachings

Charlie James

11 years as Daklaweidi Clan Leader and Elder for Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 60 year Logger, traditional living off the land knowledge. Boards Charlie sits on: B.C Treaty, Yukon Fish and Wildlife, Carcross/Tagish First Nation representative for Yukon Intertribal Watershed Council and Land Monitor for Carcross?Tagish First Nation. Charlie is a highly experienced bush man and residential school survivor. He has over 55 years of sobriety and is a leader in sobriety and healthy living.